Looking after your goalkeeper gloves properly will improve their performance and extend their lifespan. Here are some basic glove care tips.

General Usage

Rectrix gloves are durable and flexible — within reason!

Goalkeepers will often damage their gloves when they rush to put them on, accidentally tearing the seams from excessive tugging. This usually occurs around the bottom of the fabric wrist strap. To avoid this, ensure that you always carefully ease your hands into the gloves. Twist your wrist as necessary, while gently pulling down on the bottom of the fabric.

You can also prevent wear of the latex palms by avoiding unnecessary contact with the ground. For example, if you’re sitting down during training and push up off the floor, you could use your fist instead of your palms.

Washing & Drying

Never use a washing machine or dryer, as this completely dries out the gloves and degrades the latex.

After use, rinse your gloves in warm water (without soap or cleaning agents) at no more than 30 degrees. To preserve the latex simply use your hands to lightly squeeze the gloves to remove dirt, as opposed to rigorously scrubbing them with abrasive cloths/scrubbers. Afterwards, allow them to dry naturally in an aired-out space, at room temperature.

To dry the gloves faster we recommend stuffing absorbent cloths inside them. This will soak up the majority of the water.

Note: specialist GK glove wash liquids are effective in giving your gloves a fresh look and smell — but they’re still optional. Just don’t be tempted to use standard washing powder as a substitute!


We recommend using the Rectrix glove bag (included in our premium models) to store your gloves. Above all, ensure that they’re kept cool environment that’s neither too dry or damp.

  • Too dry can cause the latex to become brittle.
  • Too damp may start to attract unwanted mould.

If you’re storing your gloves for a long period of time (e.g. at the end of the season), it’s important that they’re properly washed and dried out first.

Our partners at Top Goalkeeping have written the most comprehensive goalkeeper glove care guide available. Be sure to check it out to learn more about looking after your gloves.